Monday, August 15, 2016

Reyjohn Caerlang's Film Review: Limitless by Neil Burger

The limitless movie, is a film which tackle how the drugs affect our body, and how do we use it. In the movie, the main actor or the antagonist was greatly change when he take the small piece of drugs. He became an intellectual person, his process of learning is so awesome to imagine. Why? Because he can learned and apply the information he encounter in a few seconds. In addition, his daily job routine was done immediately and successfully. Drugs help him to change his life, from poor to rich, because he used it in a good way but the problem is. There's someone want to kill him, like his ex-brother in law killed because of that drugs. Now let see, of how he can solve that risk.

The actor is not killed, he successfully overcome the challenges. He used his mind and strong personality to remove that risk. By using strategies with the help of  the small piece of drugs.

Their acting process is really interesting, the antagonist perform well his task. The protagonist gives justice of what his character is. And also the supporting actors and actresses, they give their best to contribute or provide something as what's their characters need to do. The film was successfully done because  of their acting skills, the character exist of who they really are. I understand well the movie through their acting process by using movements, emotions and dialogues.

While the effects of images, pictures or graphics really get my attention. Especially when the all icon  of information flow to the actors mind. The effects of that part was so beautiful. The graphics give logic to the viewer’s eyes, mind. It practices our critical skills. The icons, symbols and images are very related to the particular film limitless.

Then the sound effects are so good for the graphics. The sound effects of limitless provide ad what the viewers want to heard. Some part of a movie was so exciting because of sound effects.

Well, the movie is great and interesting. As a viewers. I have a little recommendation and it is their voice. The actor and actresses voice is not clear to our ears but it’s okay. Subtitles help us to understand the movie.

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