Monday, August 15, 2016

Joyce Ann Besmonte's Movie Review: Limitless by Neil Burger

In New York there was a man that too lazy. He wants to watch a television all the time. His girlfriend broke her up because he does not have a job. His name is Edward “Eddie” Morra. His name’s girlfriend is Melissa. One day Eddie saw his ex-brother in law that holds a drug that you became smart. Eddie chooses to try out the drug and takes it seconds before become smart one. He became an industrious and active to do articles because of that he became famous publisher and writer of an article.

But one day one man talks with him. Eddie shares a drug to man so that the man became smarter too. And the man addicted to this drug. He hunts Eddie to get the all drug that Eddie’s have. Eddie and the man and his body guard fought for the drugs in the end the man and his body guard died. And Eddie Morra became a CEO of his company.

The Actors and Actresses in the film were good. They give justice on their characters. They portray the characters well. The sound effects of the film were good. The sound effects were appropriate in the scenes and exactly in the acting of the actors. The script was clear and clarifies to the viewers.

I recommend increase of graphics in the screen. Actors must clear and clarify what they say. Decrease in accent of pronunciations of the words. Increase in suspense scenes. Increase actors to be more interesting in the viewers. 

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