Monday, August 8, 2016

Jocelyn Joson's Film Review: NEIL BURGER'S LIMITLESS (Based on my review)


   The Limitless was a story about a guy had a nonsense life. But this life has changed because of a nootropic drug or NZT-48 that's given by his friend. He can do anything what he wants. He was fleeting past information and experiences into useful information.  But in the next day, the effects having worn off. He returns to his friend to get the nootropic drug but his friend was dead. Then he searching the NZT-48 in his friend's house until he found it. And the day past he became a smarter that he expected. He becames well-known and his girlfriend back to him. And more struggles come that the people confusing of why his brain was perfect and there's a person who wants to take his NZT-48. And finally, he was succeeded to survive in his struggles. As year later, he was a man had a perfect brain, whether he still relies on the drug or not, his enhanced abilities are still completely intact.

     In characters there's a protagonist named Edward Morra. The antagonist named Gennady. And the supporting characters are Carlos Van Loon, Lindy, Melissa Gant, Vernon Gant,  Henry Atwood, Donald Pierce, the man in a tan coat, Valerie, Mrs. Atwood and Morris Brandt. Their acting was great! Its seem a reality, they are skillful to do their tasks or their role in this story.

      In cinematography the scenes are clear. It's understanding by the views and not stress to watch. Because sometimes there's a movie that stress to watch like not clear or blurd. But this Limitless was not.

     The musical effects are artistics. The musics are illustrated the emotions of each event or scene.  When I watched it its take my attention, and I'm surpring, wondering, suspensing because of musical effects. It's great and good job with the musical editors.

      The special effects are confusing. I'm always ask myself while I'm watching this Limitless like 'What is that?' and ends of 'Owww! Excellent!'. Because their special effects are creative, skillful and artistic too.

      And I have a positive and negative comments on script.  My positive in the scripts are pondered. The script in each characters are on the spot or exactly in their role. In my negative is some scripts are not clear. I watched Limitless that had a subtitle and not. In subtitle I understand of what their says. But in not subtitle I can't understand because they have a not loudly voice and some are very past to spoke.

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