Tuesday, August 23, 2016

John Carlo Berja's Movie review : Limitless by Neil Burger

Eddie Mora  a struggling author suffering from writer's block, living in New York, is stressed by an approaching deadline. His girlfriend Lindy frustrated with his lack of progress and financial dependence breaks up with him. Later, Eddie happens to run into Vernon (Johnny Whitworth), the estranged brother of Eddie's ex-wife, Melissa (Anna Friel). Vernon is involved with a shadowy, unidentified pharmaceutical company and gives Eddie a sample of a new "smart drug", NZT-48. Returning to his apartment, Eddie chooses to try out the drug and takes it seconds before being confronted by his landlord's wife due to his inability to pay the rent. As the drug

Eddie can do anything including learning any language in a day and soon makes a fortune and has women falling at his feet.

The protagonist in the movie is Eddie Mora and the antagonist is Kevin Doyle .so very confusing the special effect of the movie directed by the script.

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