Saturday, September 17, 2016

Jocelyn Joson's EDITORIAL: Can we prevent the issue of Drug Abuse?

What is drug abuse? It is any chemical substance, legal or illegal. It's resulting to individuals physical, mental, emotional. It may refers practices using without benefit or prescription. It is useful drug which have the capacity to alter the mood or behavior. It is an extreme desire to obtain and use, increasing amounts of one or more substances. A person who was using drug abuse is refers to taking medicines too much and without benefit of a doctor. It was a person habitual in taking medicines wether he had ill or not. And the people became addicted in using or abusing drugs, most of them are youth.

This issue have causes of why they abusing drugs. Mostly the youth that their intend this issue is right. Because they seeing their parents are abusing drugs but not at all. And this is a bad influences from the family are one of the causes of teen drug abuse. And they thinking that if their parents do it and if they let them to do it on special occasions, then they can do it anytime.

For Douglas Housak, he develops a convincing argument that imprisonment is never morally justified for drug abuse. It generates harmless to others and less harmful to the user than commonly supposed. He search showing that currently illicit drugs do not obviously pose a greater health threat than alcohol or tabacco. There's many reason die annually from using illegal drugs. If we propose to ban those drugs that are implicated in criminal behavior, no drug would be a better candidate for criminalization than alcohol.

For Peter de Marneffe, the morality justified in punishing persons who produce and distribute heroin. He argues that anticipated rises in drug abuse and consequent effects on young people. Harsh prison penalties currently imposed on drug offenders are unjustified. Keep drug production and sale illegal justified to push it. punished adults so that the youth do not begin using drugs.

And for Aaron Juchau, he says that prohibilation doesn't inhibit drug abuse, just our ability to prevent drug abuse. These is no doubt that drugs can be dangerous, out that is not a valid reason to make them illegal. The bigger risk to a teenager who chooses to use drugs is not addiction, but being caught and introduce to the criminal justice system. The best way to reduce drug abuse is through evidence-based education, harm reduction and regulation, name of which can be effective as long as drugs remain illegal. Prohibition doesn't reduce crime, it institutionalizes racism.

The government must do a low to loose or decrease the number of abusing drugs. The youth must strictly by parents. The adults must aware in their childs to avoiding this issue. The parents should teach their children about what is the right and wrong. And teach them to open their eyes of what was happening in our country. Tell them the negative effects in every issues, especially in drugs. Give them an examples of what will happened if the next generation was abusing drugs too. If they ask explain to them carefully and they can understand what will your answer. And the parents knew who is/are their friend/s to ensure if they motivate in a bad thing.

Prevent drug abuse for not the next generation do it again. The youth is the hope in our society. So, for not the youth motivate in this issue we must do something to solve this. Not only the government must work on it, we must do something too as a member of society. 

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