Thursday, September 29, 2016

Argumentative essay of Rhealyn Torres

Do we need to approve same sex marriage?

Same sex marriage also known as gay marriage is marriage between people of the same sex either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting.

In the late 20th century, religious rites of marriage without legal recognition because increasingly common. The first law providing for marriage of people of the same sex in modern times was exacted in 2001, in the Netherlands. As of 22 July 2016, same sex marriage is legally allowed (Nationwide or in some parts) in following countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherland, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, and Uruguay. A similar law in Finland is not yet in force. Polls show rising support for legally recognizing same-sex marriage in the Americas, Australia, and most of Europe. However, as of 2016 South Africa country where same sex marriage is recognized, and no country in Asia allows same-sex marriage ceremonies, although Israel accepts same-sex marriage performed overseas.

The recognition of same sex marriage is political and social issue, and also a religious issue in many countries, and debate continue to arise over whether people in same sex relationships should be allowed marriage or some similar status. Same-sex marriage can provide those in same-sex relationships who pay their taxes with government service and make financial demands on them comparable to those afforded to and required of those in opposite-sex marriages. Same sex marriage also gives them legal protections such as inheritance and hospital visitation rights. Various faith communities around the world support allowing those of the Same sex marry, while many major religions oppose same sex marriage. Opponents of same sex marriages have argued that recognition of same sex marriages would erode religious, freedoms, undermine a right of children to be raised by their biological mother and father or erode the institution of marriage itself.

Providing same sex couples with the same legal and social recognition of their relationships in no way in no way infringes upon the right of others. Allowing same-sex marriage is about extending the privileges already enjoyed by the majority to an excluded minority who differ simply in terms of the sex of the person with-whom they are in a committed relationship.
The lack of opportunity for the gay and lesbian community to legally and socially validate their committed relationships not only affects the couples involved but also their families.

Always stand for the truth of God’s word which declares homosexuality as sin but saddened as this country just appears to have more in common with Sodom and gomorran that not. An issue here is whether the arguments for legalizing gay marriage also support legalizing plural marriage. Plural marriage can consist of different relationships, such as one man and several women (polygamy) one women and several men, lesbian groups, multiple heterosexual men and women, multiple bisexual men and women, and so on.

Same sex marriage has been debated for a very long time. Whether we will ever reach a middle ground in which both sides can live happily is uncertain. The arguments against same sex marriage can be seen as unreasonable and bias since much of it is not entirely true.

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