Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Jherald Arizabal's Argumentative

                         "There's Need to Aplly Death Penalty ? Or Not ?"

The death penalty is a punishment of execution carried out legally against an individual convicted of a capital crime. It is a very complex issue in today’s world.  There are many opinions on both sides even prior against the death penalty some believe that none should it so controversial because both sides believe that they are right and because death is permanent.

I believe strongly that the death penalty should be imposed on at the very least, every murderer. I believe that even lesser crimes warrant this punishment. If we apply the death penalty, there’s changing to our lives the murderers will be scared to do crimes because of the death penalty, they can also killed. Because of the death penalty our country may will be a safe country, and the investors will be safe to our country. And the justice is will be easy to get for the victims. In over all applying of this punishment which is death penalty was having a contribution to our safety and the number of crimes will be decrease.

But applying of death penalty to our country may violate different laws and believes. Death penalty may affect different areas in our society. If we apply death penalty the innocent suspects may killed without proper judgment. This kind of punishment is not fair for them; because killing is not good based on our different believes.

If death penalty will not be apply to our country no laws pr rights will be violated.  But if death penalty is not applied there’s a possibility that the criminals will not to be scared in doing a crimes. And our country will not be safe for all and the number of crimes will increase.

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