Monday, September 12, 2016

Concept Paper by Jessa C.Butiu, Liezel Mopal and Lawrence Dave Awitan

 "The Ethical and Unethical Behavior of Hacking"
Jessa C. Butiu
Liezel Mopal
Lawrence Dave Awitan

Hacking is one of the most extremely interesting activities in past and in our present generation. It is an art generally performed by deft hands and quick minds. As our modern world become more and more reliant on computers, hacking industry is greatly rising. The term Hacking was originated in 1990’s that means practice on changing the features of a system and breaking into computer. Hacking can be done in a different ways just like gaining access to someone’s home can be done in a variety of ways.

Can you imagine how a person becomes multi-billionaire in just a few minutes? Perhaps, Hacking in itself is really amazing. But many people says that hacking is an illegal activity. As for John Gragson “Illegal hacking activities are unauthorised access to computer systems and "intellectual property" violations. The former involves getting into someone else's account or computer, by impersonation, by stealing the password, or by bypassing the login information somehow, without either consent or authority. Even turning on a non-password-protected computer could meet this definition if there's no consent or justification.” As support to what Gragson said about illegal hacking, according to the article of Rewop Sri he implies that Hacking is also a crime in our society that needs a punishment.

Opposed to this, Clare Edwards said that, “Hacking isn't necessarily a criminal activity, however. A computer hacker can simply be someone who knows how to circumvent the limitations of a device or a piece of software. Ethical hackers often break into computer systems -- with permission -- to find vulnerabilities and improve security. Hacking is a crime when the perpetrators access systems without the owner's permission.” Perhaps that means being a good or a bad hacker is a choice to be taken.

Clearly, it means that there are different types of hackers in our society. Geeks and tech writers often refer to “black hat,” “white hat,” and “grey hat” hackers. These terms define different groups of hackers based on their behaviour. White hat hackers attempt to hack for good reasons, black hat hackers attempt to hack for malicious reasons, and grey hat hackers attempt to attack for both good and bad reasons.

The Black-hats, White-Hats and Grey-Hats. Black-Hats hackers, or simply “black hats,” are the type of hacker the popular media seems to focus on.  Black-hat hackers violate computer security for personal gain (such as stealing credit card numbers or harvesting personal data for sale to identity thieves) or for pure maliciousness .Black hats fit the widely-held stereotype that hackers are criminals performing illegal activities for personal gain and attacking others. They’re the computer criminals.

Opposite to Black-Hats hackers, White-Hats hackers are the “ethical hackers,” experts in compromising computer security systems who use their abilities for good, ethical, and legal purposes rather than bad and criminal purposes. White-hat hacker uses their knowledge of computer security systems to compromise the organization’s systems. However, instead of using their access to steal from the organization or vandalize its systems, the white-hat hacker reports back to the organization and inform them of how they gained access, allowing the organization to improve their defences. So generally white-hats hackers are the good hackers. They are the reason why there are people that still believes that hacking is an legal activity.

Lastly, the Grey-Hats hackers.  A grey-hat hacker falls somewhere between a black hat and a white hat. They sometimes violate laws and do crimes but also do the ethical standards on hacking. Grey hat acts without malicious intent. The goal of a grey hat is to improve system and network security.

There are famous hackers in the world that made their own names. One of them is Jonathan James. He was known as “c0mrade” on the Internet. He became famous in the world of hacking because he was convicted and sent to prison for hacking in the United States–all while he was still a minor. At only fifteen years of age, he managed to hack into a number of networks. Bell South, Miami-Dade, the U.S. Department of Defence, and NASA, those are the networks he manage to hacked and yes NASA was one of them, he downloaded enough source code to learn how the International Space Station worked. But then at the end, Jonathan James committed suicide because he was investigated by NASA and he believes he’ll be convicted of that crime.

Also, the famous Kevin Mitnick’s journey as a computer hacker has been so interesting and compelling that the U.S. Department of Justice called him the “most wanted computer criminal in U.S. history.” Kevin Mitnick’s story is quite similar to any Hollywood Hacking Movie. At the time of his arrest, he was the most wanted person in relation to computer crimes. After serving a year in prison for hacking into the Digital Equipment Corporation’s network, he was let out for 3 years of supervised release. Near the end of that period, however, he fled and went on a 2.5-year hacking spree that involved breaching the national defence warning system and stealing corporate secrets. Mitnick was eventually caught and convicted, ending with a 5-year prison sentence. After serving those years fully, he became a consultant and public speaker for computer security. He now runs Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC. .

As well as James and Mitnick, Albert Gonzalez was also one of the famous hackers in hacking industry. Albert Gonzalez paved his way to Internet fame when he collected over 170 million credit card and ATM card numbers over a period of 2 years. Yep. That’s equal to a little over half the population of the United States. Albert Gonzales was known for having a lavish lifestyle, staying for days in fancy hotel rooms and throwing a $75,000 birthday party. He was also the leader of his own hacker group “Shadow Crew”. This group would go on to steal 1.5 million credit card numbers and sell them online for profit. Shadow Crew also fabricated fraudulent passports, health insurance cards, and birth certificates for identity theft crimes totalling $4.3 million stolen. From mid-2005 to the ending of 2007 Gonzales managed to hack into the computer systems of the TJX group of retailer’s servers and steal over 45 million card details. He and his crew were able to pull it off by using unsecured Wi-Fi connections along U.S. Gonzales was finally arrested in 2008 and is currently serving a prison term, which is due to end in 2025.

In addition, Kevin Poulsen, also known as “Dark Dante,” gained his fifteen minutes of fame by utilizing his intricate knowledge of telephone systems. Kevin Poulsen has two attributes that make him stand out from the rest of the hackers. He was the first American who was made to serve an internet and computer ban after being released from prison and was had gained a specialty in hacking only through telephone lines. He first gained attention when he hacked into an L.A. radio network so that he could be the 102nd caller and would win a new Porsche. He had also reactivated all old Yellow Page escort service phone numbers so that his friend could operate a virtual escort service. When his name once came up in a TV show called Unsolved Mysteries, the 1-800 numbers of the TV station mysteriously crashed. He then earned his way onto the FBI’s wanted list when he hacked into federal systems and stole wiretap information. Funny enough, he was later captured in a supermarket and sentenced to 51 months in prison, as well paying $56,000 in restitution. Like Kevin Mitnick, Poulsen changed his ways after being released from prison. He began working as a journalist and is now a senior editor for Wired News.

Do you know that there are many Benefits of hacking? The first reason people should be thankful for hackers are that not all hackers are fixated on breaking into your computer and stealing your data. Some of them are the amazing programmers that help a country to become more powerful. Hacking can allow nations to monitor/spy on other nations. They can also improve the security of a company. Hacking can allow for the revelation of bugs and weaknesses in particular software, which could in turn be used to make the software even stronger. Those are just some benefits that we can get in hacking.

Some of us think that hacking is an illegal activity, but it might not be illegal to hack if you do hacking without malicious intent. In fact, sometimes hacking becomes a solution or sometimes hackers done some amazing things, for example Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook. He is a self-professed hacker but he uses his intelligence in hacking to do better things. Keep in mind that there are many types of hackers, and you cannot judge all of them based on what a single one does. It is our choice to make if we consider hacking as an illegal or legal action.

I. What is Hacking?
A. History of Hacking
B. How Hacking Works?
 II. Is Hacking Illegal?
A.   When does Hacking become Illegal?
III. Legal Hacking
IV. Types of Hackers
                A. Black Hackers
                B. White Hackers
                C. Grey Hackers
V. Famous Hackers in the World
                A. Jonathan James
                B. Kevin Mitnick
                C. Albert Gonzalez
                D. Kevin Poulsen
VI. Benefits of Hacking

References and Sites:
1.Palmer,C.C.,2001. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL,VOL 40, NO 3, .New York City. IBM Global                                    Services.

3.Lee,J.2012. 5 The World’s Most Famous Hackers & What Happened to Them. U.S.:

4.Sweigart,A.,2013. “Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python”. United States.
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