Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Jherald Arizabal's Editorial

Bullying g of young people between Grade 8 and 12 was on rise especially cyber bullying. The PRU research study highlighted that almost 3 every 10 pupils or (34%) who participated in the study were victims of bullying. Commonly bully is from the higher level for example Grade 11 to Grades 8. Cyber bullying to the student are now consider as phenomenon issues to our society.

Bullying can affect the way of living of the victims even physical or in verbal or using social Medias. They can undergo in sadness, loneliness are they have possible to be depressed. Bullying can affect victims emotional, intellectual and even mental. The young person emotional development and it can be not function well.

As I observe we are at stage in developing and evaluating methods of reducing school bullying. Generally we need or they need to stop bullying to others because it can be harmful not only to the victims but in our society. It can affect and distribute a big part to our society destruction. For the victims of bullying they can undergo with a different kind of treatments like counseling.

Just stop the bullying activities, just focus to our studies and activities like playing of sports instead of bullying.  It’s better than bullying.

                                                                “NO TO BULLYING”

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