Thursday, September 29, 2016

Jessa Butiu's Argumentative Essay

Having Sex Education.....Good or Bad?

Informing everyone specially the younger generation about sex is what we called sex education. Sex education is not just about sex itself. It includes the issues about sexual health and sexual reproduction. Through sex education we will be taught everything about sex.

Applying sex education in our country has been a big issue. It’s very awkward in the Philippines to talk about sex. If someone says the word “sex” you will be labeled as “rude” or a very “vulgar” person, but we cannot blame someone because it is in our tradition of being conservative.

We cannot deny that there are many people who are against sex education. But, I think its time for our government to have an action in order for our next generation to have a better knowledge about sex.

Some people believe that having sex education is very necessary. According to Gruenberg” 
Sex education is necessary to prepare the young for the task ahead”. I believe that it is true, having sex education in our curricula will enables the young generation to be more responsible in their actions and also to be prepared for everything that might happen in their future.

But for Calderone, he believes that stating that the answer to adolescents’ sexual woes and pregnancy cannot lie primary in schools. We needed a prevention education that the parents should be involved. Calderone implies that sex education is not really necessary. Many people believe that if we implement sex education in our country, it can go against our moral or religious beliefs.

But if we think better, Sex education can give us many positive outcomes. If sex education become a subject , it can taught the teenagers or the youth the proper and safe sex, where if we take it positively it can decrease the case of teenage pregnancies and STD cases. 

Also, we will have more knowledge about how important having sex safety.
If the government will continue to implement sex education, I believe it will prevent the rapid population growth. “It’s the education, not the sex” (Conrado de Quiros) true indeed that we’re for education and not for sex. If we just open our eyes widely, we will see that because of not having knowledge about sex there are many problems. Let us not be blind in these issues. We should think of our future. Let us think of the future of our future kids.

Argumentative essay of Rhealyn Torres

Do we need to approve same sex marriage?

Same sex marriage also known as gay marriage is marriage between people of the same sex either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting.

In the late 20th century, religious rites of marriage without legal recognition because increasingly common. The first law providing for marriage of people of the same sex in modern times was exacted in 2001, in the Netherlands. As of 22 July 2016, same sex marriage is legally allowed (Nationwide or in some parts) in following countries: Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherland, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, and Uruguay. A similar law in Finland is not yet in force. Polls show rising support for legally recognizing same-sex marriage in the Americas, Australia, and most of Europe. However, as of 2016 South Africa country where same sex marriage is recognized, and no country in Asia allows same-sex marriage ceremonies, although Israel accepts same-sex marriage performed overseas.

The recognition of same sex marriage is political and social issue, and also a religious issue in many countries, and debate continue to arise over whether people in same sex relationships should be allowed marriage or some similar status. Same-sex marriage can provide those in same-sex relationships who pay their taxes with government service and make financial demands on them comparable to those afforded to and required of those in opposite-sex marriages. Same sex marriage also gives them legal protections such as inheritance and hospital visitation rights. Various faith communities around the world support allowing those of the Same sex marry, while many major religions oppose same sex marriage. Opponents of same sex marriages have argued that recognition of same sex marriages would erode religious, freedoms, undermine a right of children to be raised by their biological mother and father or erode the institution of marriage itself.

Providing same sex couples with the same legal and social recognition of their relationships in no way in no way infringes upon the right of others. Allowing same-sex marriage is about extending the privileges already enjoyed by the majority to an excluded minority who differ simply in terms of the sex of the person with-whom they are in a committed relationship.
The lack of opportunity for the gay and lesbian community to legally and socially validate their committed relationships not only affects the couples involved but also their families.

Always stand for the truth of God’s word which declares homosexuality as sin but saddened as this country just appears to have more in common with Sodom and gomorran that not. An issue here is whether the arguments for legalizing gay marriage also support legalizing plural marriage. Plural marriage can consist of different relationships, such as one man and several women (polygamy) one women and several men, lesbian groups, multiple heterosexual men and women, multiple bisexual men and women, and so on.

Same sex marriage has been debated for a very long time. Whether we will ever reach a middle ground in which both sides can live happily is uncertain. The arguments against same sex marriage can be seen as unreasonable and bias since much of it is not entirely true.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Jherald Arizabal's Argumentative

                         "There's Need to Aplly Death Penalty ? Or Not ?"

The death penalty is a punishment of execution carried out legally against an individual convicted of a capital crime. It is a very complex issue in today’s world.  There are many opinions on both sides even prior against the death penalty some believe that none should it so controversial because both sides believe that they are right and because death is permanent.

I believe strongly that the death penalty should be imposed on at the very least, every murderer. I believe that even lesser crimes warrant this punishment. If we apply the death penalty, there’s changing to our lives the murderers will be scared to do crimes because of the death penalty, they can also killed. Because of the death penalty our country may will be a safe country, and the investors will be safe to our country. And the justice is will be easy to get for the victims. In over all applying of this punishment which is death penalty was having a contribution to our safety and the number of crimes will be decrease.

But applying of death penalty to our country may violate different laws and believes. Death penalty may affect different areas in our society. If we apply death penalty the innocent suspects may killed without proper judgment. This kind of punishment is not fair for them; because killing is not good based on our different believes.

If death penalty will not be apply to our country no laws pr rights will be violated.  But if death penalty is not applied there’s a possibility that the criminals will not to be scared in doing a crimes. And our country will not be safe for all and the number of crimes will increase.

Jherald Arizabal's Editorial

Bullying g of young people between Grade 8 and 12 was on rise especially cyber bullying. The PRU research study highlighted that almost 3 every 10 pupils or (34%) who participated in the study were victims of bullying. Commonly bully is from the higher level for example Grade 11 to Grades 8. Cyber bullying to the student are now consider as phenomenon issues to our society.

Bullying can affect the way of living of the victims even physical or in verbal or using social Medias. They can undergo in sadness, loneliness are they have possible to be depressed. Bullying can affect victims emotional, intellectual and even mental. The young person emotional development and it can be not function well.

As I observe we are at stage in developing and evaluating methods of reducing school bullying. Generally we need or they need to stop bullying to others because it can be harmful not only to the victims but in our society. It can affect and distribute a big part to our society destruction. For the victims of bullying they can undergo with a different kind of treatments like counseling.

Just stop the bullying activities, just focus to our studies and activities like playing of sports instead of bullying.  It’s better than bullying.

                                                                “NO TO BULLYING”

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Jocelyn Joson's EDITORIAL: Can we prevent the issue of Drug Abuse?

What is drug abuse? It is any chemical substance, legal or illegal. It's resulting to individuals physical, mental, emotional. It may refers practices using without benefit or prescription. It is useful drug which have the capacity to alter the mood or behavior. It is an extreme desire to obtain and use, increasing amounts of one or more substances. A person who was using drug abuse is refers to taking medicines too much and without benefit of a doctor. It was a person habitual in taking medicines wether he had ill or not. And the people became addicted in using or abusing drugs, most of them are youth.

This issue have causes of why they abusing drugs. Mostly the youth that their intend this issue is right. Because they seeing their parents are abusing drugs but not at all. And this is a bad influences from the family are one of the causes of teen drug abuse. And they thinking that if their parents do it and if they let them to do it on special occasions, then they can do it anytime.

For Douglas Housak, he develops a convincing argument that imprisonment is never morally justified for drug abuse. It generates harmless to others and less harmful to the user than commonly supposed. He search showing that currently illicit drugs do not obviously pose a greater health threat than alcohol or tabacco. There's many reason die annually from using illegal drugs. If we propose to ban those drugs that are implicated in criminal behavior, no drug would be a better candidate for criminalization than alcohol.

For Peter de Marneffe, the morality justified in punishing persons who produce and distribute heroin. He argues that anticipated rises in drug abuse and consequent effects on young people. Harsh prison penalties currently imposed on drug offenders are unjustified. Keep drug production and sale illegal justified to push it. punished adults so that the youth do not begin using drugs.

And for Aaron Juchau, he says that prohibilation doesn't inhibit drug abuse, just our ability to prevent drug abuse. These is no doubt that drugs can be dangerous, out that is not a valid reason to make them illegal. The bigger risk to a teenager who chooses to use drugs is not addiction, but being caught and introduce to the criminal justice system. The best way to reduce drug abuse is through evidence-based education, harm reduction and regulation, name of which can be effective as long as drugs remain illegal. Prohibition doesn't reduce crime, it institutionalizes racism.

The government must do a low to loose or decrease the number of abusing drugs. The youth must strictly by parents. The adults must aware in their childs to avoiding this issue. The parents should teach their children about what is the right and wrong. And teach them to open their eyes of what was happening in our country. Tell them the negative effects in every issues, especially in drugs. Give them an examples of what will happened if the next generation was abusing drugs too. If they ask explain to them carefully and they can understand what will your answer. And the parents knew who is/are their friend/s to ensure if they motivate in a bad thing.

Prevent drug abuse for not the next generation do it again. The youth is the hope in our society. So, for not the youth motivate in this issue we must do something to solve this. Not only the government must work on it, we must do something too as a member of society. 

CONCEPT PAPER: Preparing pre-service teachers in teaching ICT

There's too many teachers that hadn't enough skills in using ICT and this is often made worse by a lack of appreciate support when things go wrong. And that's the reason why the Department of Education need to prepare the pre-service teachers.

Effective use of ICT for teaching and learning in schools and universities is not widespread, even though the  technology is now almost ubiquitous. These are still many barriers and impediments in the way of ICT that's becoming an important part of teaching and learning. In this impediments will be discussed that should be focus here by pre-service teachers.

There had list of faults that shouldn't done or have by pre-service teachers (OFSTED, 2002). Including in this faults are lack of knowledge about ICT, lack of teacher skills and confidence are needed to improve. For the teachers change the current state of educational use of ICT.

Studies from several countries suggest that in general teacher education has not been able to keep up with pace and scope of technological in schools and society. Such studies have been reported (Ramsay, 2000). And the primary and secondary schools should aim for ratio of the one computer used for teaching and learning for every hour students. The designated curriculum states that ICT until middle secondary school.  While schools work towards achieving these goals, there are no equivalent statements or aims for teacher education.

Analysis of survey data collected in 2001 from 46 primary school classrooms in metropolitan Melbourne over a four week period, indicated a very low level of ICT use (Jones, 2002). They surveying in the classrooms of how the classrooms computers are have. And it's occasionally that they surveyed in the classroom who had a teaching lessons. But based on the teacher it was happened once a week. It means they using classroom computers once a week or less than in four weeks. But they already planning of what would they do and when they were going to start.

A concern about change is one reason proposed for techears not rushing to adopt ICT in their teaching (Hodas, 1993) has not that because technology is never neutral, introducing ICT into teaching has both advantages for techears and learners. Many teacher have tried to implement ICT by transferring parts of what they previously aid without technology into some form of electronic text.

Watson notes it is not only perceived as a catalyst for change, but also change in teaching styles, change in learning approaches, and change in access to information. Research indicated that teachers are both threatened by change, and conversely not impressed by change that appears to focus on what the technology can do rather than on learning (Watson, 2001).

The problem of technocentrism and has continued to argued that it is still a major issue in all levels of education (Papert, 1980). Technocentrism is value system that is centered on technology and it's ability to control and protect the environment. Technocentrism is the fallacy of referring all question to the technology (Papert, 1987). Many children today could be considered to be technocentric since that is the way they often learn new information and interact with the world.

All graduates enroll in pre-service teacher education courses. Beginning teachers education students give many reasons including teaching being a people-centered profession, almost certain employment, longer holidays than most jobs, and for a one year course it is usually possible to do some part-time work. In all cases the teacher was centre of attention. This is the mental image of classroom practice most beginning teachers bling their studies. And they must have ICT skills. They should not been forced to take teaching ICT. Because the students acquiring knowledge is on teachers' hand of how they teach the students.

The latest formal guidelines relating to ICT in teacher education courses that consist of eight bullet points (SCTP, 1999). The points are vague rather than specific, and in 2002 seem inadequate. Include here are beginning teachers need not be expert in all aspects of learning technologies, demonstrate an awareness of a range of learning technology resources and create a classroom environment in with learning technologies are an integral component. These points are guidelines that indicate areas that will be considered when pre-service teacher education course are evaluated by the state Department of Education and Training.

Another problem in teaching ICT is there has not enough materials for hand on. So, this is one of the barrier between teacher and students. The teachers are can't open a lesson without demonstrating with materials. And the student should not clearly understood the topic because they not see of how the topic's work.

Wolf writes that the core of Piagetian theories of cognitive development is a view of knowledge constructed through interaction (Wolf, 1998). There are two aspects of Piagetian interaction. The first relates to domain knowledge, and concerns the acquisition of knowledge through a simultaneous combination of actions and experiments with concrete materials and thinking about those materials. The other aspect of Piagetian interaction is characterized by its social nature. It arises from a trading of thoughts, feelings, and strategies between groups of learners, between teachers and learners, and through a process of self reflection.

A common and related issue among both beginning and experienced teachers is that mostly asking question that require only a  previously learned response. The beginner in teaching ICT has not enough to be paying attention by students. Most of this situation are the elementary students because they have a kind of not recognizing a person that's new. The teacher had experienced was able to pay attention by students. Similarly, when teachers demonstrate a process on the board and then set tasks that are almost identical, students only need to remember or copy what was demonstrate. And they should aware if an equivalent level of thinking is required when students are asked to use computers to make copies of text, data, or diagrams provided by teacher or textbook.

WebQuests are used as vehicle for demonstrating an effective and safe way of making use of resources available on the World Wide Web. Issues arising from the rationale behind WebQuests for schools (Dodge, 1997) are discussed in the light of what students have experienced in previous classes, and what they observed while on teaching practice. Using WebQuests in the classroom is the major focus of this discussion, not only in relation to class organization and management in with students and not enough computers. Later the teacher education students work in small collaborative groups to develop a WebQuests that integrates material from at least three of the school curriculum areas.

There are many reasons why classroom teachers in subject other than ICT are not making effective use of the learning technologies currently available in schools. Many of these causes are not yet clearly understood. And now we might expect that new entrants into pre-service teacher education will have considerable experience with ICT during their schooling and their university studies. On this pre-service teacher education, similar concepts and approaches can be applied to professional development for current teacher. Of course school and system administrators have to be aware that no matter how high the level of competence and confidence of teachers. ICT will never be integrated into normal classroom practice until the technology is available and accessible where teachers' teach.

OFSTED (2002). ICT in schools: Office for                        standards in Education, London.                      Online:                    public/index.html.
Ramsay, G. (2000). Quality matters A review                        of teacher education in NSW.                            Online:                       .au/teacher/reports/index.html.
Jones, A. (2002). Refusing or ignoring? An                       investigation of student teacher's                     perceptions and use of                                       computers. Paper presented at the                   Australian Society for Educational                   Technology Conference,                                     Melbourne.
Hodas, S. (1993). Technology refusal and                          the orgaizational culture of                                schools. Education Policy                                  Analysis Archives 1(10). Online:              !                    html.
Watson, D. (2001). Pedagogy before                                    technology: Rethinking the                                relationship between ICT and                            teaching. Eduaction and                                      information Technologies, 6(4),                        251-266.
Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children,                            computer and powerful ideas.                          Basic Books, New York.
SCTP (1999). Guidelines for the Evaluation                of Teacher Education courses                          Department of Education. Victoria,                  Melbourne.
Wolf, D. (1998). The quality of interaction:                      Domain knowledge, social                                  intercharge and computer learning.                  In G. Formen and P. Pufull (Ed.s).                      Constructivism in the computer age.                Laurence Erlbaum Associates,                          Hillsdale.
Dodge, B. (1997). Some thoughts about                            WebQuests. Online:                                                          edtes596/about_webquests.html.                                                                                                                    BUGAHOD, REJANE MAE                                    JOSON, JOCELYN                                                NILLAS, RICHELLE ANN                                  (Students in Eclaro Academy)                                                                                       ICT GR. 11-DIAMOND                                                                                                                                                              MR. RAYMARK LLAGAS                                                      (Adviser)

Monday, September 12, 2016

Concept Paper By: Jherald Arizabal, Rhealyn Torres and Erien Roen domondon

“Applications of computers in SECURITY and PRIVACY”
By: Jherald Arizabal, Rhealyn Torres and Erien Roen domondon

A computer is a device that can be instructed to carry out an arbitrary set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. It has an ability to follow sequence of operations called program. Most of the computer is used as a control system. It includes simple but special purpose devices like “Microwave” ovens and remote controls. The internet runs in the computer to connects other millions computer.

Computer word derived from “Computing”. As the start of the modern science that we call “Computer Science” can be tracked back to a long ago age where man still dwelled in caves or in the forest, and lived in groups for protection and survival from the elements on the Earth. In ancient period a manual device like the Abacus aided people in doing calculations. The first digital electronic calculating machines were developed during World War II. The speed, power, and versatility of computers increased continuously and dramatically since the point of possible artificial intelligence in the near future.

Microcomputers came along and changed everything. Today it is easy for nearly everybody to use a computer. Now, the microcomputers are common tools in all areas of life. Writers can write, artist can draw engineers and scientists, can calculate, because of the computers, students and business people do all this and more.
Computer may entertain us by watching playing and surfing social media also we can use it to improve the education by surfing or searching information about the things you can want to know. Computer may also help us to search for the remedies in order to avoid the disease.

Electronic devices are having a big part to our lives today specially to our privacy and security and it’s hard to imagine what we once did without it. Constant use of technology will keep in touch in paying bills, staying on the top of the new, shopping and researching things. Growing reliance on electronic devices is part of the reasons why careers in cyber security are growing at faster pace. Understanding threats can help everyone do their part to make those jobs easier.

Here are the different Threats to our security using the computers. You already know that the SPAM is equivalent of junk man some of these emails missives contain a link or an attachment to prompting you to download computer viruses. For instance, someone who hacked into your email account  can send a message asking one of your contacts to wire money up to protect consumers from deceptive email messages, subjecting senders to fines of up to 16,000 US dollar per colorations. Hacked Accounts, One of the common ways for identify thieves to gain control of consumer’s personal information through digital crimes known as phishing. In this practice, fraudsters create an email that looks like it was issued from a legitimate company. That will ask for a recipient’s personal information- like an account number or password- and then use that information to commit financial crime, such as opening fraudulent charge cards in a consumer’s name and running up big bills on them.
Given all of these places where tote mobile devices such as laptops, tablets and mobile devices. It can be a field day for cybercriminals. 45% percent of data breaches at companies are caused by lost laptops and mobile devices.
There are also an online privacy threats. The Behavioral targeting, your internet services provider (ISP) has an access to go online control and combined with third party cookies gathering information about your behavior. Whiter it’s real or imaginary. Lots of privacy disturbs people. If the advertising industries would give its customers choices, control and transparency into its tracking and profiling in gaining customers trust. Cloud Computing, concept of huge date which operate the networking infrastructure known as “the cloud”, stuff is stored on someone’s servers accessed via internet. For instance your Gmail; your photos on flicker. It has a responsibility which protects the information from hackers. The Cookies, cookies are online files that can be used for authenticating your session tracking. One example is by logging in your ID email account so that you don’t have to login to each page. 

The purpose of it is it makes the users to easily access, login and deliver their precise.
Phishing, cyber criminals use “phishing” or email scams, to bait people with legitimate looking request from what appear to be reliable sources. Bad guys use sneaky social engineering with the aim to collect personal information-social security numbers password and pin numbers- that can be use to access bank and credit card accounts, resulting in stolen funds and identify theft. Spyware and adware, these apps can be programs, cookies or registry entries that secretly gather information about your online activity. This class of advertising methods is considered unethical and perhaps even illegal. Often these applications are disguised as a simple service like a search bar and some of them can be malicious, open dangerous security holes and lead to frequent crashes or hangs.

Threats in security using the social media. Having your identity stolen, identify thieves gather personal information from social media sites. Most social networks sites have information that is required, such as email address or birthday. It’s common form an identity thief to hack an email account by using social information. Getting your computers or social profile hacked, hacker’s love social networking, going right to the source to interject malicious code. The codes hackers use can steal your identity. Inject viruses to your computers, and obstruct account information to have a few. Being Overconfident, one of the biggest threats to online security is overconfidence. Whether at home or at work, many users believe as long as they have a firewall and an antivirus installed, there is no threat to security. With today’s technology, we are more connected to each other than ever before. When you reflect security, you not only put yourself at risk, but others are at risk as well.

Having cyber security helps you to protect system against viruses and other unwanted, also to protect the computer and data from being hacked and lastly it minimized crashes on computer and it gives privacy to users. Prevention of data theft such as bank account numbers, credit card information, passwords, work related documents or sheets, etc. is essential in today’s communications since many of our day to day actions depend on the security of the data paths. 
Data present in a computer can also be misused by unauthorized intrusions. An intruder can modify and change the program source codes and can also use your pictures or email accounts to create derogatory content such as pornographic images, fake misleading and offensive social accounts. Malicious intents can also be a factor in computer security. Intruders often use your computers for attacking other computers or websites or networks for creating havoc. Vengeful hackers might crash someone’s computer system to create data loss. DDOS attacks can be made to prevent access to websites by crashing the server. 
Above factors imply that your data should remain safe and confidential. Therefore, it is necessary to protect your computer and hence the need for Computer Security arises.

But with that advantage also there are disadvantages of having a cyber security like it makes the system slower than before, firewalls can be difficult to configure correctly, incorrect configuration of firewalls may block users from performing certain actions on the internet and lastly it could be costly for average user.

Those are some Computer and Digital gadgets that can help to our Security and privacy. Saxby Security Light, This outdoor security light is designed to send out a dazzling glare whenever it's activated by its PIR (passive infrared) sensors. A great addition for anyone who has a shady doorway, as well as improving security, it will definitely help you find your keys at night. Dummy camerafar cheaper than a real CCTV set-up, dummy cameras can still is an effective deterrent to troublemakers. Made from a real camera housing containing a genuine camera body and lens, this model should bear up to close scrutiny. Barking dog alarm, for the Rottweiler effect, but without the bite marks, this is the perfect device. Once triggered, the alarm gives out the sound of a vicious guard dog that should send burglars scarpering. With a 360-degree radar detector, the alarm is effective even through walls. Siren Padlock, if a lock won't do it, perhaps a lock with a built-in alarm will. The heavy-duty padlock can be used for sheds, cupboards, crates or cycles, and the alarm will be activated if the lock is touched, moved, or knocked, hopefully giving potential thieves a scare.

Also we have now digital Internet Privacy Gadgets. Like Nope Magnetic Privacy Shieldnope features two small circular magnets, one of these small magnet attaches to the side of your camera, while the other is designed to revolve around it. It can be used to cover the camera when you want privacy and simply turn it the other way when you want to use the camera. It’s a simple and elegant magnetic privacy shield for iMacs, Mac books, laptops, and desktops. ITwin Connect, the iTwin Connect is a tiny USB device that features two identical halves. To use it, you need to detach them and plug one end into your home or office notebook; while the other half 'key', can be taken along anywhere you go. When you want to browse, you need to plug the key into the computer you are using to create a secure VPN (virtual personal network) tunnel to the home or office notebook.

The computers are having a many application to our lives, especially to our security and privacy. Technology can have a negative effects or good based on how we use it. But still technology may have good effects especially to our security and lives; we can make our jobs or whatever we do. We can protect are selves from the different threats to our security and privacy by using the computer and digitalize gadgets like Nope Magnetic privacy shield, siren padlock, barking Dog alarm, dummy camera, and Saxby security light. I hope those digital gadgets are being helpful to us.

            A. The computer knowledge book
                        By: Tokunbo Osilaja, B.SC, and M.I.S
            B. Computing today
                        By: Timothy J O’Leary and Linda I O’Leary

 Reference websites.

Concept Paper by Jessa C.Butiu, Liezel Mopal and Lawrence Dave Awitan

 "The Ethical and Unethical Behavior of Hacking"
Jessa C. Butiu
Liezel Mopal
Lawrence Dave Awitan

Hacking is one of the most extremely interesting activities in past and in our present generation. It is an art generally performed by deft hands and quick minds. As our modern world become more and more reliant on computers, hacking industry is greatly rising. The term Hacking was originated in 1990’s that means practice on changing the features of a system and breaking into computer. Hacking can be done in a different ways just like gaining access to someone’s home can be done in a variety of ways.

Can you imagine how a person becomes multi-billionaire in just a few minutes? Perhaps, Hacking in itself is really amazing. But many people says that hacking is an illegal activity. As for John Gragson “Illegal hacking activities are unauthorised access to computer systems and "intellectual property" violations. The former involves getting into someone else's account or computer, by impersonation, by stealing the password, or by bypassing the login information somehow, without either consent or authority. Even turning on a non-password-protected computer could meet this definition if there's no consent or justification.” As support to what Gragson said about illegal hacking, according to the article of Rewop Sri he implies that Hacking is also a crime in our society that needs a punishment.

Opposed to this, Clare Edwards said that, “Hacking isn't necessarily a criminal activity, however. A computer hacker can simply be someone who knows how to circumvent the limitations of a device or a piece of software. Ethical hackers often break into computer systems -- with permission -- to find vulnerabilities and improve security. Hacking is a crime when the perpetrators access systems without the owner's permission.” Perhaps that means being a good or a bad hacker is a choice to be taken.

Clearly, it means that there are different types of hackers in our society. Geeks and tech writers often refer to “black hat,” “white hat,” and “grey hat” hackers. These terms define different groups of hackers based on their behaviour. White hat hackers attempt to hack for good reasons, black hat hackers attempt to hack for malicious reasons, and grey hat hackers attempt to attack for both good and bad reasons.

The Black-hats, White-Hats and Grey-Hats. Black-Hats hackers, or simply “black hats,” are the type of hacker the popular media seems to focus on.  Black-hat hackers violate computer security for personal gain (such as stealing credit card numbers or harvesting personal data for sale to identity thieves) or for pure maliciousness .Black hats fit the widely-held stereotype that hackers are criminals performing illegal activities for personal gain and attacking others. They’re the computer criminals.

Opposite to Black-Hats hackers, White-Hats hackers are the “ethical hackers,” experts in compromising computer security systems who use their abilities for good, ethical, and legal purposes rather than bad and criminal purposes. White-hat hacker uses their knowledge of computer security systems to compromise the organization’s systems. However, instead of using their access to steal from the organization or vandalize its systems, the white-hat hacker reports back to the organization and inform them of how they gained access, allowing the organization to improve their defences. So generally white-hats hackers are the good hackers. They are the reason why there are people that still believes that hacking is an legal activity.

Lastly, the Grey-Hats hackers.  A grey-hat hacker falls somewhere between a black hat and a white hat. They sometimes violate laws and do crimes but also do the ethical standards on hacking. Grey hat acts without malicious intent. The goal of a grey hat is to improve system and network security.

There are famous hackers in the world that made their own names. One of them is Jonathan James. He was known as “c0mrade” on the Internet. He became famous in the world of hacking because he was convicted and sent to prison for hacking in the United States–all while he was still a minor. At only fifteen years of age, he managed to hack into a number of networks. Bell South, Miami-Dade, the U.S. Department of Defence, and NASA, those are the networks he manage to hacked and yes NASA was one of them, he downloaded enough source code to learn how the International Space Station worked. But then at the end, Jonathan James committed suicide because he was investigated by NASA and he believes he’ll be convicted of that crime.

Also, the famous Kevin Mitnick’s journey as a computer hacker has been so interesting and compelling that the U.S. Department of Justice called him the “most wanted computer criminal in U.S. history.” Kevin Mitnick’s story is quite similar to any Hollywood Hacking Movie. At the time of his arrest, he was the most wanted person in relation to computer crimes. After serving a year in prison for hacking into the Digital Equipment Corporation’s network, he was let out for 3 years of supervised release. Near the end of that period, however, he fled and went on a 2.5-year hacking spree that involved breaching the national defence warning system and stealing corporate secrets. Mitnick was eventually caught and convicted, ending with a 5-year prison sentence. After serving those years fully, he became a consultant and public speaker for computer security. He now runs Mitnick Security Consulting, LLC. .

As well as James and Mitnick, Albert Gonzalez was also one of the famous hackers in hacking industry. Albert Gonzalez paved his way to Internet fame when he collected over 170 million credit card and ATM card numbers over a period of 2 years. Yep. That’s equal to a little over half the population of the United States. Albert Gonzales was known for having a lavish lifestyle, staying for days in fancy hotel rooms and throwing a $75,000 birthday party. He was also the leader of his own hacker group “Shadow Crew”. This group would go on to steal 1.5 million credit card numbers and sell them online for profit. Shadow Crew also fabricated fraudulent passports, health insurance cards, and birth certificates for identity theft crimes totalling $4.3 million stolen. From mid-2005 to the ending of 2007 Gonzales managed to hack into the computer systems of the TJX group of retailer’s servers and steal over 45 million card details. He and his crew were able to pull it off by using unsecured Wi-Fi connections along U.S. Gonzales was finally arrested in 2008 and is currently serving a prison term, which is due to end in 2025.

In addition, Kevin Poulsen, also known as “Dark Dante,” gained his fifteen minutes of fame by utilizing his intricate knowledge of telephone systems. Kevin Poulsen has two attributes that make him stand out from the rest of the hackers. He was the first American who was made to serve an internet and computer ban after being released from prison and was had gained a specialty in hacking only through telephone lines. He first gained attention when he hacked into an L.A. radio network so that he could be the 102nd caller and would win a new Porsche. He had also reactivated all old Yellow Page escort service phone numbers so that his friend could operate a virtual escort service. When his name once came up in a TV show called Unsolved Mysteries, the 1-800 numbers of the TV station mysteriously crashed. He then earned his way onto the FBI’s wanted list when he hacked into federal systems and stole wiretap information. Funny enough, he was later captured in a supermarket and sentenced to 51 months in prison, as well paying $56,000 in restitution. Like Kevin Mitnick, Poulsen changed his ways after being released from prison. He began working as a journalist and is now a senior editor for Wired News.

Do you know that there are many Benefits of hacking? The first reason people should be thankful for hackers are that not all hackers are fixated on breaking into your computer and stealing your data. Some of them are the amazing programmers that help a country to become more powerful. Hacking can allow nations to monitor/spy on other nations. They can also improve the security of a company. Hacking can allow for the revelation of bugs and weaknesses in particular software, which could in turn be used to make the software even stronger. Those are just some benefits that we can get in hacking.

Some of us think that hacking is an illegal activity, but it might not be illegal to hack if you do hacking without malicious intent. In fact, sometimes hacking becomes a solution or sometimes hackers done some amazing things, for example Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook. He is a self-professed hacker but he uses his intelligence in hacking to do better things. Keep in mind that there are many types of hackers, and you cannot judge all of them based on what a single one does. It is our choice to make if we consider hacking as an illegal or legal action.

I. What is Hacking?
A. History of Hacking
B. How Hacking Works?
 II. Is Hacking Illegal?
A.   When does Hacking become Illegal?
III. Legal Hacking
IV. Types of Hackers
                A. Black Hackers
                B. White Hackers
                C. Grey Hackers
V. Famous Hackers in the World
                A. Jonathan James
                B. Kevin Mitnick
                C. Albert Gonzalez
                D. Kevin Poulsen
VI. Benefits of Hacking

References and Sites:
1.Palmer,C.C.,2001. IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL,VOL 40, NO 3, .New York City. IBM Global                                    Services.

3.Lee,J.2012. 5 The World’s Most Famous Hackers & What Happened to Them. U.S.:

4.Sweigart,A.,2013. “Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python”. United States.
                    Creative Commons Attribution. PDF 

Concept Paper by Reyjohn Caerlang and Ginaly Cardenas

"Web Development in a set of process"
Ginaly Cardenas, Sheena Apan and Reyjohn Caerlang

Web development also follows a process of set of processes. Having a process allow you to run your web development efficiently within time and budget, and at an acceptable quality. 

There are four typical development process consist of planning,development, testing and publishing. Planning is the success of your website development project is largely dependent on how well you formulate your plan it is one thing to know how to create websites. Schedule is depending on the complexity of your site development project and your level of comfort in working with the client. Testing refers on how well the content appears on the web pages and the last is publishing, most developers publish their websites through FTP or file transfer protocol . which allow them to upload finish website to their host using certain application.

The web development and publishing management is about the requirements, gathering and analysis, draft of design, modification of draft according to the client  feedback and publishing.

Web hosting and publishing, a website host is where you put your website and all files related to it, such as image,multimedia,files and scripts. Different technical setup of web site host. Hosting space,bandwidth,server software,and operating. Hosting space refers to the maximum file size that you can upload to the server. Bandwidth refer to the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted to (download or upload)  and from your websites. 

And the last is operating system are similar to desktop computer systems, except that their primary focus is serving multi-user and networking application. Just like any typical service, web hosting has packages to suit your specific needs, and speech package had a corresponding prices.

Web usability standards refer to the easy of using and browsing a website. A highly unable web site enables end-users to easy find information, understands it structure, and interact with the site. The most usable web site remain popular and highly visited because they immediately provide the most important information, have sample working features and load quality of their four categories. The first accessibility relevant information are searchable. Second is functionality, function are closely labeled and easily understood. Third were information and content, information are in their proper categories.

Fourth is design, design and layout are in their straight forward and consistent. All of that are used on web usability standard.

Web quality assurance, for the web takes it roots from testing computer software. Web testers come from a variety of backgrounds audience for the site. Usability, browser compatibility, functionality, and content are the most common test areas when performing quality assurance and check for the web sites.

Publishing and managing web site, the  web development industry had opened various opportunities for individual from various background, be they in software engineering, design ,marketing, or merchandising.