Friday, November 4, 2016

Editorial Essay of Ginaly Cardenas

by Ginaly Cardenas

Declare state of lawlessness violence, the declaration would allow the military and police more leeway to heighten measure and pursue terrorists with the orchestration of national government and to be safe from the threat of terrorists and illegal drugs.

To solve the problem from the terrorists and illegal drugs, the president Duterte can even suspend the privileged of the writ of habeas corpus, at the very worst declare martial law, it the state has inherent right to defend itself from external invasion and internal invasion subversion and rebellion.

To protect our country, the declaration of a state of lawlessness violence is not the end by itself it only means toward a greater end that it to solve the citizen from the terrorists and to make our country free.

More powerful armed force, as a commander in chief of all armed force it is within the president power, under the article VII, section 18 or the constriction, whenever it becomes necessary to call out such armed forces to prevent or surprised lawlessness violence in the same manner that our soldier and police duty bound to repel invasion or rebellion, when public safety requires.

Ginaly Cardenas's Argumentative Essay

"K to 12 curriculum" 

The k to 12 curriculum is help to students to be more successful to his or her studies, to have a good job and to be more knowledgeable.

The positive effect of k to 12 curriculum is to strengthening early childhood education. Provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle level; skills development employment, and entrepreneurship.

And student acquire in dept knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through continuity and consistency across all levels and subjects.

The negative effect of k to 12 curriculum, adding two more years in high school will certainly be financially burdensome for many families at this point.

The government is not prepared to implement a 12 year basic education cycle mandated by k to 12, as manifested by the actual insufficiency of classroom, libraries, toilets, and other facilities, textbooks, modules, and other instructional material, teacher, and non-teaching staff and other education sector.

Subjects are taught from the simplest concept to more complicated concept through grade level in spiral progression. The government actual education budget in recent decades never reached 4% of the GDP while the global standard is pegged at 6% of the GDP. No massive and genuinely democratic consultation with teacher, parent, student, and other stakeholder.

ReyJohn Caerlang's Editorial

"K-12 curriculum an extended years in studying for the new generation"

K-12 is a new curriculum ,which adds two more years in high school. In order to promote individual ability to the new generation or promoting to be globally oriented and competitive.

There are many possible good results as a product of k-12. One of it is promoting quality learners, it helps to widen our knowledge. Also a new product of development,if we success. It shows improvement on our country, it helps to enhance our skills, that our country really benefit with it in a way of development. Next, is k-12 will guide us to a better future, giving us opportunity to determine where we really good at. Then lastly, k-12 teach us on how to be a new leader ,a leader whose responsible on everything, a leader who have confidence and determination in facing the reality using knowledge and facts. Giving ideas to be strong enough in everything of ant to plan.

But, sad to say that Deped is not ready to have this kind of project. Because as you can observed, lacking of books was happening, lacking of facilities,teachers,especially on a public school and it is barriers for having a good results of k-12  curriculum. They implement some project without preparation. So, me as a student was really get affected because it hard to study without books and limiting facilities. Aside from that, college department also get affected in implementing k-12 curriculum today.

Therefore ,we need to prepare first before implementing something. For us to have successful project, plan. And k-12 curriculum is a good way for having a high end education.

Movie Review of Abel Boco

This is about a man take an experimental drug that allows him to use 100 percent of his mind. The drugs called as NZ T-48.

As one man involves into a perfect version of himself. Forces more corrupt than he can imagine mark him for assignations. Out of work writer Eddie Marra rejection by a girlfriend Lindy confirms he belief that he has zero future. That all vanishes the day an old friend introduces Eddie to NZ T.

In that make him laser to focused and more confident that any man alive . Allow Eddies read, heard ,or screen is instantly organized and available to him.

Friday, October 14, 2016


                                               EDITORIAL: ABOUT DRUG ADDICTION
   Many people are died because of drug overdose. Drug addiction is shaking communities as we watch individuals with once brigth future ruin by a drugs that is well known as lethal capacit, yet is so easily accessible and potent that many Overlook the potential danger for a quick high. Then this is causes of different effects on your body. That many deaths that close together often points to bad batch of the drugs.

   Many person addicted in drugs. Tge people who use the drugs is an kill innocent person because of the effects of drugs. Everyday many people are died because of the drug overdose or something. Then a drugs effects to your brain. The drugs are dangerous because you have two choices the prison or R.I.P means (restin in peace).

   The drugs effects your personality. The person who use the drugs is fight the innocent person this is the effects of drugs. Actually if you use the drugs your face is changing every years.

   My recommendation about solve the drugs void to use tge drugs because it may effects your body and its cause your brain and your died. President of the philippines command the police to control a drugs. The president says the person who use drugs kill them.





   A disadvantage is the negative impact it will have on children. They have broken family. The children has not focus on study.

   The divorce is good to a person to stop abuse the husband and children. The family are broken but the children are focus on study if parents are not see in figthing.

   The first reason is something we all know about the considers: tge kids. Should you saty married for the children? Well at least thik about how it will affect them. You might get over it in time. Tgey never will.

   One of the worst thing about divorce, if children are involved, is a new dirty word you will become very familiar with: custody. You know longer have the children in your home full-time as you always have. The children are affected in this case.

   Amat, p. ,and kelth, 1994 " life-span adjustment of children to their parents divoce"yge future of children, 4:143-164, 1991" parental divorce and well-being for children: a meta-annalysis." Psychological bulletin, 110(1):26-46. 19911 " parental divorce and adult well-being: a meta-annalysis". Journal of marriage and tge family.

   Even when they know they will still see both parents, the idea that their parents do not love each other any more is divasdating to a child. Without realizing it, kids automatically buy into tge idea that two people should commit to each other on permanent basis. When they see their parents faik to follow throughh with this commitment, it destroys at least some aspects of their beliefs in the"rightness"and viability of commited love.

   The positive effects where that the fighting stopped. The children did not have to witness the constant arguing. Thn children free from the emotional pain that comes from watching parents fight and criticize one another.

   The negative effects of divorce had to do with an end to family traditions. Thanksgivibg and christmass hace never been same. The children now feel an obligation to spend time with both parents on holiday. This can be difficult abd stressful.

   Its possitive if the family  situation is totally miserable. At least then they dont have to watch their parents fight. But generally its not all that good.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Editorial: "Abolishing ENDO or Contractualization" by Jessa Butiu

ENDO or Contractualization started on 1970’s .It is also called “555” by the other workers. It is in the Labor Code of the Philippines Article 106 that allows the contractors to put contract under their workers and laborers. According to the International Labor Organization or ILO it is the new patterns of employment relationship where the contractor will set a six months’ probation regardless to the level of the workers efficiency as the companies try to avoid the cost of regular employment.

And because of that many workers and also politicians wanted the ENDO to end. Since in our generation it is hard to find a decent job, contractualization is becoming a big problem to 
some of our workers here in our country. But, many companies doesn’t want ENDO to end because it has a positive effect in their company since it is one of the way to ensure the productivity of their employees and because of ENDO they will have more savings when they replace workers with other.

Obviously, there are many disadvantages ENDO can give to the workers. They will have less benefits and lower wages, there is no assurance that they will have work after the 6 months contract to their company.

Since, many people are against to ENDO and they are aware that its not helping our workers in our country , I think the government of Duterte needs to take an action on how to abolish this contractualization and also the cooperation of the owners of the big companies in our country is highly needed if we want ENDO to put an end.