Friday, November 4, 2016

Editorial Essay of Ginaly Cardenas

by Ginaly Cardenas

Declare state of lawlessness violence, the declaration would allow the military and police more leeway to heighten measure and pursue terrorists with the orchestration of national government and to be safe from the threat of terrorists and illegal drugs.

To solve the problem from the terrorists and illegal drugs, the president Duterte can even suspend the privileged of the writ of habeas corpus, at the very worst declare martial law, it the state has inherent right to defend itself from external invasion and internal invasion subversion and rebellion.

To protect our country, the declaration of a state of lawlessness violence is not the end by itself it only means toward a greater end that it to solve the citizen from the terrorists and to make our country free.

More powerful armed force, as a commander in chief of all armed force it is within the president power, under the article VII, section 18 or the constriction, whenever it becomes necessary to call out such armed forces to prevent or surprised lawlessness violence in the same manner that our soldier and police duty bound to repel invasion or rebellion, when public safety requires.

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