Friday, November 4, 2016

Ginaly Cardenas's Argumentative Essay

"K to 12 curriculum" 

The k to 12 curriculum is help to students to be more successful to his or her studies, to have a good job and to be more knowledgeable.

The positive effect of k to 12 curriculum is to strengthening early childhood education. Provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle level; skills development employment, and entrepreneurship.

And student acquire in dept knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes through continuity and consistency across all levels and subjects.

The negative effect of k to 12 curriculum, adding two more years in high school will certainly be financially burdensome for many families at this point.

The government is not prepared to implement a 12 year basic education cycle mandated by k to 12, as manifested by the actual insufficiency of classroom, libraries, toilets, and other facilities, textbooks, modules, and other instructional material, teacher, and non-teaching staff and other education sector.

Subjects are taught from the simplest concept to more complicated concept through grade level in spiral progression. The government actual education budget in recent decades never reached 4% of the GDP while the global standard is pegged at 6% of the GDP. No massive and genuinely democratic consultation with teacher, parent, student, and other stakeholder.

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