Friday, October 14, 2016




   A disadvantage is the negative impact it will have on children. They have broken family. The children has not focus on study.

   The divorce is good to a person to stop abuse the husband and children. The family are broken but the children are focus on study if parents are not see in figthing.

   The first reason is something we all know about the considers: tge kids. Should you saty married for the children? Well at least thik about how it will affect them. You might get over it in time. Tgey never will.

   One of the worst thing about divorce, if children are involved, is a new dirty word you will become very familiar with: custody. You know longer have the children in your home full-time as you always have. The children are affected in this case.

   Amat, p. ,and kelth, 1994 " life-span adjustment of children to their parents divoce"yge future of children, 4:143-164, 1991" parental divorce and well-being for children: a meta-annalysis." Psychological bulletin, 110(1):26-46. 19911 " parental divorce and adult well-being: a meta-annalysis". Journal of marriage and tge family.

   Even when they know they will still see both parents, the idea that their parents do not love each other any more is divasdating to a child. Without realizing it, kids automatically buy into tge idea that two people should commit to each other on permanent basis. When they see their parents faik to follow throughh with this commitment, it destroys at least some aspects of their beliefs in the"rightness"and viability of commited love.

   The positive effects where that the fighting stopped. The children did not have to witness the constant arguing. Thn children free from the emotional pain that comes from watching parents fight and criticize one another.

   The negative effects of divorce had to do with an end to family traditions. Thanksgivibg and christmass hace never been same. The children now feel an obligation to spend time with both parents on holiday. This can be difficult abd stressful.

   Its possitive if the family  situation is totally miserable. At least then they dont have to watch their parents fight. But generally its not all that good.


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